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Design, Build and Launch your sewn product.

The world is waiting for you!







 Sign Up for our FREE Introductory 4 week



Join me as I help you navigate the sew product industry during our FREE introductory 4 week Mini-Course for creatives and aspiring entrepreneurs who want to create a sewn product business, but don’t know where to start.

With the help of templates, videos, checklists, spreadsheets, value packed PDFs, audio content and a FB Community, I’ll help you get clear on who your ideal customer is, what type of sewn products they are looking for and how to design the perfect products for them. 

  • Confidently learn how to build a brand that your ideal customer will need, want and love.
  • Learn exactly how to determine what your market is looking for and how to choose the perfect product category.
  • An introduction to the sewn product development process and what it takes to get your product designed, built and launched.
  • Create the business you have have always dreamed of and leave a lasting legacy.
  • Work from home without the stress and be your own boss!